Company Profile

Run by health professionals, for health professionals...

Who are we?

All of our tutors are practising clinicians within the public, private or pre-hospital sectors, and most are New Zealand Resuscitation Council certified instructors. Resuscitation Skills is accredited by the Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care (RNZCUC), the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP), the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA), the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine (NZSCM), and approved for CPD activities by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) and the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM).

All of our highly dedicated team of tutors are focused and committed to our clients and achieving better patient outcomes from resuscitation through highly effective teaching practices and application of an evidence based approach to resuscitation and acute care.

Resuscitation Skills was the first advanced life support training provider to introduce an 0800 clinical support helpline for its customers to get information and support on training and equipment-related issues and to provide a debriefing service for critical incidents.

Resuscitation Skills provides the very best e-learning resources to support and enhance the learning experience for all our course participants. The e-learning solutions provided are 'tailor made' for all our clients needs and new  specialised programmes can be designed and delivered.

Where are we located?

Resuscitation Skills courses are delivered 'on-site' at your location or in Rosedale Northshore and at the Clinical Skills Centre, Level 4, Support Building at Auckland City Hospital; a modern, purpose-designed facility for advanced resuscitation and simulation-based training. Course participants use the latest full body Laerdal patient simulators and part-task trainers. This superb facility allows us to run case simulations which involve the use of live defibrillators, real oxygen delivery systems, wall powered suction and actual emergency drugs that are opened and administered to the patient (manikin).

Who do we train?

Resuscitation Skills trains health professionals and non-clinical staff who work in a variety of settings. Resuscitation Skills also offers advanced pre-hospital emergency care (A-PHEC) courses for specialties such as dive emergencies, extreme remote environments and hostile environments. Courses are run for individuals, entire practices, professional bodies, conference groups, PHOs, private hospitals, clinics, accident and medical groups etc. and generally there is no separation of doctors and nurses on our programmes to ensure people who work together, train together. For group bookings, repeat customers and clients with large numbers of staff to train we offer generous discounts to ensure you get the best value for money in addition to high quality training and comprehensive post-course support.  


Thanks guys for a clear, concise and practical training course. Easy to follow, lots of practical advice and tuition. Back to work with lots of food for thought. Great Sushi.
Surgical Practice Manager- Auckland
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