Our Courses

We offer a wide range of accredited training solutions including Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Advanced Life Support Refreshers, NZRC accredited resuscitation courses and customised training solutions such as on-site simulation that can easily be tailored to meet your needs. Our experienced training staff provide a fun, dynamic and relaxed learning platform you will enjoy.

Our highly interactive and innovative programmes provide health professionals with a safe and supportive learning environment in which to learn. Courses are simulation-based and seek to extend the participant's practice through realistic immersive methodologies. We provide a full range of education solutions ranging from online, skills training, scenario and medium to high fidelity simulation. Our philosophy: Train right, do it right! 

We offer special pricing models for group bookings from PHOs, A&M Clinics, private hospitals, dental clinics, aged care facilities and other regional/national bodies. Resuscitation Skills offers advanced pre-hospital emergency care (A-PHEC) and specialised first aid training for a variety of clients, including those who operate in remote or austere environments or have very specific first aid & emergency care training requirements, you simply can't get from traditional first aid training providers.

Advanced Life Support Courses

They take place in a purpose built clinical training centre or at your site using the latest patient simulators, CPR manikins, task trainers and live equipment or we will bring the simulators to your site. All our courses are simulation-based, and scenarios can be tailored to reflect the types of medical emergencies staff may encounter.

Basic Life Support Courses

They take place in a purpose built clinical training centre or at your site using the latest patient simulators, Q-CPR manikins, task trainers and live equipment or we will bring the simulators to your site. Our Basic Life Support Courses are practical, dynamic and prepare your clinical and non-clinical team members to deal the initial phase of a resuscitation until expert help arrives.

Advanced Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (A-PHEC)

Our Advanced Pre-Hospital Emergency Care courses cater for those who are health professionals or already hold a pre-hospital emergency care qualification (or equivalent) and require further advanced training within a specialised field such as aged care, wilderness medicine, marine or aquatic safety, dive & hyperbaric medicine, and hostile or tactical environments. This course is suitable for health professionals working in these specialised fields or first responders seeking more advanced skills


Learn in your own time and gain valuable credits towards your continued professional development. Resuscitation skills is the first provider in New Zealand to offer a wide range of stand alone e-learning courses and e-learning resources to support our standard courses focused on resuscitation and acute care in a variety of settings. Take a tour of our suite of courses or test your resuscitation knowledge using our free on line Advanced Life Support pre-course quiz.


It is a great way to see how clinic teams perform in their own resuscitation rooms, using their own equipment and facing their own challenges which are often unique to their working environment.
Clinical Director, Urgent Care in Auckland
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