On-Site Simulation

Train your team in your environment using the latest patient simulators. At Resuscitation Skills we value the opportunity to talk face-to-face with you and your staff. It's important we have a good understanding of the types of patients you see, the layout of your facility and what equipment is available as this allows us to develop a range of simulation activities to challenge your team in their environment. We conduct site visits for emergency response system audits, a valuable tool to check your equipment and response plans meet the demands of your clinical risks. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Emergency Response System Clinical Audits

This service is available to all our Auckland based customers. The audit is designed to provide independent advice and expert opinion on:

  • Emergency response systems within a facility
  • Resuscitation room layout
  • Crash trolley setup
  • Condition of existing equipment and,
  • Where new or replacement equipment can be sourced.


The audit also includes 2 case simulations on a medium or high-fidelity simulator. Staff are expected to assess and treat the patient and all drugs and equipment must be opened and used in real-time. Scenarios are modified to suit the types of medical emergencies that could present in your clinical setting. The cost for this service is $525.00 plus GST for one site, or $450.00 plus GST per site for two or more sites visited on the same day. A detailed full written report is included in the service fee.

On-Site Simulation

Develop your team's performance managing a medical crises. We provide specialised, highly specific training to develop your teams performance during a variety of medical crises. These include (but not limited to):

  • Management of adult or child cardiac arrest 
  • Management of anaphylaxis 
  • Management of anaesthetic or PACU emergencies
  • Specific clinical skills such as advanced airway management  


Simulations are presented to your team using the latest Laerdal high fidelity patient simulators in real time and involve the entire team including administration staff. Each simulation lasts approximately 30 minutes with a significant period of time dedicated to developing effective team work, communication and resource management. A debriefing often yields significant amount of learning as well as high lighting any operational issues such as resources, staffing and procedures. Group sizes are kept small to enhance learning and reflect a realistic work environment and are surprisingly cost effective.

Find out more about Resuscitation Skills

Express ACLS Recertification

Our Express Service offers one-to-one or small group Advanced Life Support refreshers for people who need their certificate in a hurry for a variety of reasons.

Private Bookings

We specialise in group bookings for organisations that range in size from independent practices right through to PHOs and national colleges.

Customised Courses

At Resuscitation Skills we specialise in creating customised training solutions. We're happy to adapt one of our standard courses or put together a highly tailored solution to meet your training needs

Conference Organisers

Are you organising a conference for health professionals in the Auckland region? If so, we can add value to your programme by offering delegates an ACLS course


Great course for recapping previously learnt skills. and learning a few new ones. Course co-ordinator was very knowledgeable, approachable and happy to answer any questions It was a pleasure to take the session.
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