Advanced Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (A-PHEC)

We deliver a variety of Advanced Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (A-PHEC) courses that caters for a range of specialised needs. These include providing advanced emergency care in aged care facilities, extreme remote environments, aquatic & marine environments, dive & hyperbaric emergencies, and hostile or tactical environments.

A-PHEC: Health Professionals

Duration: 8hrs

This course is designed for health professionals such as registered nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals such as healthcare & dental assistants. Topics include first aid (NZQA US 6402,6401,6400) as well as more advanced skills in resuscitation: Bag-mask-resuscitators, oxygen therapy, use of OPAs/SGA, management of anaphylaxis and cardiac arrest.

A-PHEC: Aged Care

Duration: 16hrs

This two day course is designed for those who require advanced pre-hospital emergency care training managing emergencies in the aged care environment. Topics include advanced resuscitation (NZRC Level 4) and use of advanced emergency care techniques to manage a serious injured or ill person in a the aged care setting. There is a strong emphasis on practical skills.


Great course! Very informative, supportive, and the course material was tapered to our professional needs. Thanks Billy and Jonathan!
Anaesthetic technician Ormiston Hospital
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