Advanced Life Support Courses
There's nothing run-of-the-mill about our range of advanced life-support courses to cater for all levels of resuscitation provider.
They all take place in a clinical training centre or on site at your facility using the latest patient simulators, CPR manikins, task trainers and live equipment. All our courses are simulation-based, and scenarios can be tailored to reflect the types of medical emergencies staff may have to treat.
We offer a wide range of advanced life support courses including Advanced Life Support refreshers, Paediatric Advanced Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and the NZRC CORE Advanced and CORE Immediate at levels 2-7 for GPs, Urgent Care Physicians, Registered Nurses, non-clinical staff, allied health professionals, dentists, midwives, anaesthetic technicians, paramedics and off-shore medics. Certificates are valid for 2 years, however employers and professional bodies may recognise them for longer.
Advanced Life Support Refresher
Duration: 4.25 hours
This course is suitable for health professionals working in high-acuity settings such as, Urgent Care, Physicians, registered nurses, paramedics, anaesthetic technicians, nurses, Auckland, Waitemata & Counties Manukau DHB PGY 1-4 RMO's, vaccinators (Nurses or Pharmacists) and others that already hold an Advanced Life Support certificate and need to re-certify. Please note: This course does not meet the training requirements for the RNZCGP: see CORE Immediate or CORE Advanced.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS-16hrs)
Duration: 16 hrs / 2 Days
Need a more thorough resuscitation course? Advanced Cardiac Life Support is an in-depth course covering advanced concepts of Adult Cardiac Life Support. This practical, dynamic simulation based courses covers the fundamentals of resuscitation but also provides more comprehensive instruction in cardiac care and managing more complex resuscitation situations. This course meets the RNZCGPs requirements for resuscitation training. All graduates receive CORE-A (Day one) and ACLS certification (Day tw
NZRC CORE Advanced
Duration: 9 hours
CORE Advanced is a full day course designed to provide advanced providers of resuscitation the advanced skills of resuscitation and manage cardiac arrest. Skills are assessed as well as knowledge of resuscitation. The NZRC CORE Advanced Course is a standard course of instruction leading to the NZRC Certificate of Resuscitation (CORE). The course is delivered by accredited NZRC instructors. This course meets the RNZCG requirements for resuscitation training. This course is equivalent to the ARC (
NZRC CORE Immediate
Duration: 4-6.5hrs
CORE Immediate is suitable for health professionals working in hospitals where they may need to initiate resuscitation while waiting for an expert resuscitation team or in the community such as dentists, dental professionals and registered nurses. The NZRC CORE Immediate Course is a standard course of instruction. The course is delivered by NZRC accredited instructors. This course meets the required standards for RNZCGP resuscitation training.
NZRC CORE Skills Workshop
Duration: 1-3hrs
Refresh your individual advanced life support skills by attending a CORE Advanced Skills workshop. Attend a single skill station or all five skills stations. Coaching is provided to bring your skills up to your best. This course has no written or practical assessments and is ideal for anyone wishing to practice their Advanced life Support skills on the very best part task trainers in a supportive environment by expert tutors.
Intermediate Life Support
Duration: 4 hours
This course is suitable for selected specialist medical staff (eg. Radiologists, Oncologists), registered nurses, MRTs, radiographers, dentists, dental staff and allied health professionals working in private clinics and hospitals where an extended level of care beyond that of basic life support is required, or where no cardiac arrest team is available on-site. This course is not suitable for GPs requirements for resuscitation training.
Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Duration: 9hrs
Paediatric Advanced Life Support is a one day course designed to provide advanced resuscitation skills specifically for the seriously ill child. Skills and knowledge focus on rely recognition of the seriously ill child and providing advanced therapies for a range of life threatening conditions. This one day course is ideal for those who may have to assess and recognise unwell children and stabilize until expert help is available.
Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS 16hr)
Duration: 16 hrs
This specialised two day course is specifically designed for Urgent Care practitioners who require certification in a two day course in Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Pre-course reading is required as well as completion of e-learning in Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Successful completion of this course results in PALS certification valid for two years.
PALS Refresher
Duration: 4.25 hours
This course is ideal for those who have completed a full PALS course and need to refresh their paediatric resuscitation skills. This course is suitable for health professionals working in high-acuity settings such as community accident and medical clinics, independent midwives, paramedics, anaesthetic technicians, perioperative nurses, locum medical staff and PGY 1-4 RMOs'.
Emergency Response (Cardiac Arrest) for Anaesthesiologists
Duration: 90mins Face-to-face: 90mins e-learning
This 90 minute course is an accredited ANZCA Emergency Response (Cardiac Arrest) activity. Comprehensive e-learning pre-course activity supports face-to-face technical skills workshops and non-technical skills consistent with sound CRM principles are practiced during a high-fidelity simulated cardiac arrest scenario facilitated by senior fellows of the Australia & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists with a special interest in resuscitation.
Accredited training provider of