Some questions that are frequently asked. Feel free to contact us if you can't find your answer.

About Us

What qualifications do your instructors have?

Our faculty is made up of specialist doctors, registered nurses, anaesthetic technicians and paramedics. Tutors are either New Zealand Resuscitation Council qualified instructors and/or currently employed in a clinical education role within an acute-care setting or tertiary academic institution. All of our tutors are active in clinical practice in areas such as emergency medicine, anaesthesia, intensive care, coronary care, aeromedical retrieval, remote / hostile environments, ambulance or members of hospital cardiac arrest teams.

Who are your courses endorsed by?

Our courses are endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP), Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care (RNZCUC), New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA), and the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine (NZSCM). Our ACLS Refresher is an accredited CPD workshop approved by the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), and all of our courses can be claimed under the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) CPD Programmes. We are also approved to deliver the NZRC CORE ADVANCED, CORE IMMEDIATE and CORE SKILLS courses through our network of NZRC certified instructors.


How long are your certificates valid for?

Our certificates are valid for 2 years. NZRC certificates are valid for 1 year. Many professional bodies, employers and colleges recognise certificates for longer, so the date of issue is more important than the expiry. Please check with your employer how often they require CPR/ACLS certification to be renewed.

How long will it take to get my certificate?

Certificates are automatically emailed direct to individuals, or for groups, available for download within 1-2 business days of successful completion of the course and payment is received. If you require your certificate sooner, please contact us and we will prepare it advance.

I've lost my certification. How do I get a replacement and how much does it cost?

Simply email us with your name and when you attended the course and we will send you an electronic copy of your certificate within 48 hours. There is no charge for re-issuing a Resuscitation Skills issued certificate, however NZRC certificates do incur a re-issue fee and you will need to contact the NZRC to arrange this.


Do you sell resuscitation and emergency care equipment?

We sell Zoll AEDs. For all other equipment we refer you direct to the supplier of the product that will best meet your needs. Our Emergency Response Kit Contents List provides supplier information for commonly used items of resuscitation and emergency care equipment that we recommend.

On what basis do you recommend a particular brand of supplier over another?

Our tutors have a vast amount of industry experience within their respective clinical fields and as ACLS instructors. It's from this first-hand experience that we form our opinions and make recommendations to you. We keep a close eye on the medical literature for any new developments, case reports describing equipment success/failure and product-recall alerts. As for preferred suppliers, we only do business with companies that provide excellent customer service and after-sales support.


I can't open the e-learning or any of the resource materials?

Contact [email protected] to trouble shoot any problems with the e-learning platform. You will require an email address to use the e-learning resources.

Training Venue

Do you deliver courses on-site?

Yes we do. We provide courses through-out New Zealand. We also conduct site visits and have the ability to run on-site simulation workshops. We also travel nationally and internationally (Australia and South Pacific)  to run conference workshops and to deliver courses for organisations with large numbers of staff (20+). Please see our conference organisers and group bookings page for more information.

Can we come and have a look at the training facilities before we book a course?

Certainly. We are more than happy to show you through the Clinical Skills Centre and introduce you to our patient simulators and training equipment. Just contact us to set up a time.

Where is the Clinical Skills Centre located?

Level 4 of the Support Building (old Auckland Hospital) or at Auckland City Hospital.

Where do I park?

Please use Auckland City Hospital's Carpark A. This is the new carpark located right next to the Support Building where we are located. There are 400 parking spaces available in Carpark A. In the unlikely event that this carpark is full, Carpark B next to Starship Hospital has an additional 100 public parking spaces.

Clinical Support

Why can't I call the helpline for advice during an emergency?

Our role is to provide support, advice and training before or after a medical emergency, not during it. For most of our clients (who work in community-based clinics and private hospitals) the correct course of action is to dial 111. Clinical advice in relation to a patient whilst they are in your care should be obtained from the most senior doctor in the emergency department where your patient is to be transported to.

What hours is the Clinical Support helpline open?

Monday to Sunday from 0800-2200. You can also send us an email at any time. [email protected]


Do you offer a discount for group bookings?

We have a special offer for all new customers and provide a loyalty discount for our repeat customers. Find out more.

How do I get a refund of my course fee if I can't attend?

Please see our cancellation policy.

Can you invoice students individually?

Yes upon request. Students can pay by credit card or PAYPAL. Payment options are fully explained during the on-line registration process.

What is the minimum number of students required to run a course for my practice?

8 participants. If you have less than 8 please contact us as often we can combine practices, individuals and groups to achieve minimum numbers or you can select our Express ACLS recertification course that offers one-one or small group sessions.

Do you deliver evening or weekend courses?

Yes. This is typically when our training venue is most available, so we welcome bookings at these times.

Why don't you provide a course manual?

The recommended course manuals are available from the NZRC and we recommend all practices have a copy available to refer to during an emergency. Our courses are supported by e-learning support material to prepare for all of our courses. Our e-learning platform can be tailored for any course, however it is not intended to replace the required text for any of the NZRC courses (CORE-Advanced or Immediate).

Do you provide first aid training?

Yes!  We provide Advanced Pre-hospital Emergency Care (A-PHEC) for people who require specialised training for operations in remote or austere environments including tactical settings. We also provide first aid training for professionals working in aged care facilities, schools, maritime industry & environments, wilderness settings, security industry and professionals such as reporters & other media roles working off-shore in potentially hostile environments.

What is the maximum number of students you can accommodate?

We have run courses for very large groups. With sufficient planning we can accommodate up to 32 participants at our training facility, more if there is a suitable venue. 

I'm worried about the pre-course e-learning. What happens if I don't complete this?

Please don't worry. We're far more concerned with your practical skills. You will access to the on-line material for 12 months following your course. If you're losing sleep over a particular aspect, please contact us and we'll be more than happy to talk it through.

Are you courses catered?

Catering is provided on all half and full-day courses that take place in the Clinical Skills Centre. Please contact us if you have any particular diet requirements.

How do I provide feedback on a course I have attended?

You are welcome to post on our facebook page, send a letter, fax or call our freephone. Please see our contact page for more information.

I'm a GP. What course do I need to do?

GPs registered for MOPS do our Advanced Life Support Refresher Course. Doctors applying for fellowship must have a full (assessed) NZRC CORE Immediate or CORE Advanced certificate no more than 3 years old. For registrars in training (GPEP), a current (less than 3 years old) advanced life support certificate is required. Find out more.

I need to update my ACLS for an offshore assignment or new job urgently. Do you provide a one-on-one service?

Yes. We can provide you with a one-on-one ACLS Refresher at short notice. The cost for our Express Service is $495.00 plus GST and the certificate issued is only valid for 12 months. Please contact us to make a booking.


Access to the course. Great communication to get enrolled on the course. Good Directions to get to the venue. Very helpful to have the photos. Website information fabulous and researched. Training venue Great Manaakita...
Linda - Attended ALS Refresher
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