Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) 16hr
Duration: 16 hrs
This course is suitable for GP's and Urgent Care Practitioners who require PALS certification. The curriculum focuses on both the fundamentals of paediatric resuscitation as well as additional skill stations and simulations focusing on extending knowledge and resuscitation skills in the management of the seriously unwell child, resuscitation of the newly born and advanced concepts of stabilisation of critically unwell children ready for MEDEVAC or ongoing intensive care by specialist paediatric resuscitation teams.This intense course is delivered over two full days. There is recommended precourse reading and on-line learning.
The recommended pre-reading (e-book) is:
6th Edition
Advanced Paediatric Life Support, a practical approach to emergencies (Australia & New Zealand)
ISBN: 9781119385462
Click here for a link to Booktopia
Click here to view a sample programme.
The course is highly practical with the focus of developing skill mastery of the fundamental skills of resuscitation and the development of effective team work and communication in a medical crises. Common life threatening scenarios are presented in a specialized simulation training facility.
Benefits of this course include a more in depth focus on developing paediatric resuscitation skills on high fidelity patient simulators as well as developing sound teamwork practices during paediatric medical crises.
Fundamental skills are developed in skill stations and are assessed for mastery during this course.
Feedback and coaching is provided during simulations to enhance communication, teamwork and problem solving.
An e-learning support provides guidance for learning and ensures the necessary knowledge is gained to get maximum benefit from face-to face course time.
- Basic Life Support with an emphasis on high quality CPR and ventilation
- Use of suction and insertion of oropharyngeal airways
- Supraglottic airway device (eg. LMA/i-gel®) insertion during CPR (adults and children)
- Endotracheal intubation and use of wave form capnography
- Manual defibrillation (adults and children)
- Synchronized cardioversion and transcutaneous pacing
- ECG recognition
- Administration of emergency drugs in cardiac arrest
- Intraosseous and vascular access (adults and children)
- Principles of effective team work and communication in a medical crises
- Principles of initial management of the trauma patient
- Recognition of the seriously unwell child
- Resuscitation of the newly born
- Management of life threatening asthma
- Management of anaphylaxis
- Management of sepsis
- Management of cardiac arrhythmia (brady/tachyarrhythmia)
- Management of status epilepticus
- Management of drowning
- Principles of good team work and crisis management.
- Preparation of seriously ill child for MEDEVAC & use of telemedicine in remote settings
Upcoming Courses
- Cost $778.26 plus GST per person
- Location: Unit 17, 14 AIRBORNE Rd ROSEDALE 0632 AUCKLAND view map
- Class size: Maximum 12 students
- Time: From 8:45am to 5:00pm
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