Emergency Response (Cardiac Arrest) for Anaesthesiologists

Duration: 90mins Face-to-face: 90mins e-learning

Emergency Response (Cardiac Arrest) for Anaesthesiologists

This three hour course is an accredited ANZCA Emergency Response (Cardiac Arrest) activity. Approximately ninety minutes of comprehensive e-learning pre-course activity supports ninety minutes of face-to-face technical skills workshops on basic life support with the use of an AED, use of a manual defibrillation, synchronised cardio-version and transcutaneous pacing and non-technical skills consistent with sound CRM principles are practiced during a high-fidelity simulated cardiac arrest scenario. This course predominantly covers delivery of resuscitation during cardiac arrest on the adult patient (>8 years), however the basic life support workshop covers delivery of resuscitation to the child (1-8 years) and infants (0-1 year).

Technical Skills

This course differs from our standard Advanced Life Support Refresher courses as it is recognised Anaesthesiologists posses expert airway management skills and practicing these is not necessary. However, the timing and clinical importance of endotracheal intubation during cardiac arrest (especially in non-theatre environments) is discussed and then practiced during a simulated cardiac arrest simulation.

Other technical skills practiced during this course include: chest compressions, bag-mask-resuscitation, use of automated external defibrillators (AED) in the community and use of a manual defibrillator (management of VF or VT, synchronised cardioversion and trans cutaneous pacing). 

All of these skills are practiced on the latest part-task trainers including qCPR manikins to objectively measure the quality of chest compressions and ventilation while performing CPR.

Non-Technical Skills

This course provides an opportunity to practice the nontechnical skills associated with the management of a cardiac arrest. These include the principles of good CRM, use of cognitive aids such as the ALS algorithms and effective leadership of a cardiac arrest event. A simulated cardiac arrest is presented using high fidelity manikins such as Laerdal Sim man or Laerdal ALS simulator. This scenario is debriefed in a supportive environment to help facilitate reflection of performance during simulation. Topics marked with *Asterisks below are covered in e-learning module


  • Factors that influence survival from cardiac arrest*
  • Basic Life Support (adult/child/infant)
  • Airway management in cardiac arrest*
  • Management of choking*
  • Use of an AED (adult/child)
  • Recognition of shockable vs non-shockable rhythms*
  • Manual defibrillation
  • Synchronised cardioversion
  • Transcutaneous pacing
  • The Advanced Life Support algorithm & cognitive aids
  • Management of VF/VT
  • Management of PEA (investigating the 4H's & 4T's)
  • Drugs used during cardiac arrest*
  • Effective management of a team during cardiac arrest*
  • Applying principles of CRM during cardiac arrest


Dear team, Thank you so much for the course-it was not only updating my knowledge and skills –it was also fun. You provided a very well structured course giving participants the opportunity to prepare for difficult situations...
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