Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Refresher

Duration: 4.25 hours

Paediatric Advanced Life Support Refresher Course

This course, like all our courses is highly practical. There is an emphasis on good team planning, preparation and rehearsal of medical emergencies in a simulated context. This course is ideal for any health professional who may have to recognise and initially treat seriously ill children such as rural GPs, Urgent Care Physicians, emergency department staff, paramedics, registered nurses and remote site medics. Completion of a full one day or two day PALS course within the past two years is required to attend this refresher course, although participants who have not completed a full course can complete this course and gain a certificate of attendance. 

Course Overview

The Advanced Paediatric Life Support Refresher course expands on the fundamental skills of resuscitation and presents several common life threatening medical emergency topics and how to manage them. 

There is an emphasis on good team work, preparation and early recognition of the seriously ill child who is deteriorating. All within a simulated environment. Course numbers are limited to ensure maximum benefit is gained during hands-on time.  Essential skills are practiced with an emphasis on a high standard of technical skills and continuing development of non-technical skills.


  • Basic Life Support with an emphasis on high quality CPR and ventilation
  • Use of suction and insertion of oropharyngeal airways
  • Supraglottic airway device (eg. LMA/i-gel®) insertion during CPR (adults and children)
  • Manual defibrillation (adults and children)
  • Synchronized cardioversion and transcutaneous pacing
  • ECG recognition  
  • Administration of emergency drugs in cardiac arrest
  • Intraosseous and vascular access (adults and children)
  • Principles of effective team work and communication in a medical crises
  • Recognition of the seriously unwell child
  • Principles of good team work and crisis management.

Upcoming Courses

Saturday, 7 June 2025
  • Cost $275.00 plus GST per person
  • Location: Unit 17, 14 AIRBORNE Rd ROSEDALE 0632 AUCKLAND view map
  • Class size: Maximum 4 students
  • Time: From 8:45am to 12:45pm